目前分類:我在這裡找到狂喜與平靜 (5)

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【First exam】
My first exam was held last morning. It lasted 3 hrs. During the 3 hrs I never stopped writing. I’m very happy about my yesterday’s performance no matter whether the outcome will be good or bad. Does good beginning mean..? Ok, forget it. It’s too early to think about this. However, I did get a lot of confidence from my late week’s revision and yesterday’s exam. I’ve proved there are many changes which can happen within one week.

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Aunty Linda的年菜

會議中場休息 晚餐已經滿滿擺上桌
佔據了醒目的位置 和大家的目光

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接近晚餐時間客人陸續前來 我才慢慢發現今天受邀的對象

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跑完步 洗完澡 準備出發

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從Beeston上車我今天要去的地方是倫敦地點是我最熟悉的Harrow-on-the-hill 這是我來英國第一個住的地方也是全英國最讓我有家的感覺的地方想到我今天又可以見到Sugar整個心情就很好

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