目前分類:離家出走 (2)

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第一次聽到這個地名是因為 約莫三月的時候補IELTS

The way to Loughborough 2

The way to Loughborough

HSBC in Loughborough

Rainbow 5 stop in Loughborough

EnroutetoVincent 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

4 year ago, we met during the a flight from Amsterdam to Taipei via Bangkok .
You sat next to me.
We had talk, talk and talk.
After you got off the flight in Bangkok.
A woman asked me.
Are you friends?
I told her we just met 10 hours ago and have become friends for 10 hours.

EnroutetoVincent 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()